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Biology teacher by day, videographer/photographer by weekend!

Hi!  I'm Simon, or Mr King to many by day!  While I much prefer to have a chat over coffee, here's a little about me while you're here!  I work full time as a Biology teacher at the secondary school I went to as a pupil.  It fills me with great pride that I'm able to give back to the school that gave me such a good start in life.  While teaching is exhausting at times and hard work, I absolutely love seeing young people succeed and better themselves through education.  There is no better feeling than seeing the positive impact you've had on a pupil's life, be it through exam results or them responding to my fantastic pearls of wisdom!!  Ha!

Outside of teaching, I love exercise, but also love food (chocolate!).  Slogging away on my stepper or lifting a heavy weight keeps my mind healthy, and I genuinely don't know where I'd be without exercise.  I have my own home gym which is my escape, my way of managing the stresses daily life can bring and where I can focus purely on me.  I've recently been enjoying an early morning walk before the world has awoken, which is a lot different to the more normal late night strolls that used to be my norm!

Back in 2016, my older brother showed me his drone, and from there, a very expensive seed was planted!!  I started off being really interested in holiday videos on YouTube.  I loved seeing some glorious sun filled views, followed by some water sport action all edited to some tropical house tunes!  It inspired me to make my own travel video - a solo holiday in Croatia.  I felt I did an ok job, but decided to take it further and invest in my first proper DSLR camera.  A few further expensive purchases later, including a move to Sony's mirrorless cameras, I ended up making a video of Aberdeen at night, which went semi "viral" online (at least compared to my usual uploads!!).  From that, I ended up with enquiries for videography work and things have snowballed since then.  I absolutely love seeing the highlight video from a wedding coming together, telling the story of the couple's day in a way unique to their day.  Hearing how pleased couples are when they've watched their videos is definitely up there with the highs of the teaching!

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